Otorongo Expeditions

Iquitos, Peru Phone: ☎ +51 065 224192


Otorongo Expions, ☎ +51 065 224192 (otorongoexpions@gmail.com), [11]. Lonely Planets Pick, Top Trip Advisor Reviews. Authentic personalized itineraries Private guide and 15+ ecosystems to explore on the Amazon River, no grouping with other guests on excursions, no fake tourist shows. Guaranteed excellent service Buffet style,international + local foods, clean private bathrooms, solar power for lights and recharging batteries, stellar staff, %100 honest no nickel and diming Owners dedication Community tourism projects, conservation of forest and fauna, fair wages, local education of resource value, consume local products, recycle,compost, 4stroke low emission low fuel consumption outboard motors for transport . Otorongo Expions Lodge is located 100 Km down Amazon river from the city of Iquitos. The voyage takes 2.30 hours by speed boat.The excursions are done in a variety of areas rich in biodiversity such as Terra Firm or Firm Ground, igapo forest (floodplain forest), black water lakes, beaches, river islands, and many others micro-ecosystems. From the lodge it is possible to visit over fifteen different ecosystems found here on the Amazon River without skipping a meal, shower or snooze. These are some of the activities we do but not limited to: - Short and long daytime hikes - Nocturnal hikes and photo shoot searching for caimans, tarantulas, snakes and insects - Excursions by foot and boat to search for sloths, poison dart frogs, snakes, primates, birds and much more -Canoeing in flooded forest -Visit to a native community and learn their customs, purchase artesian necklaces and crafts -Piranha fishing -Bird watching -Boat ride to see pink and grey dolphins -Learn medicinal plants -Camping out deep in the jungle  (optional) -Swimming in lakes and Amazon River - Fossil hunting - Hammock room siesta - Excursion to see GIANT water lilies        - see the spectacular Amazon sunset and sunrise - Visit to a local sugar cane rum distillery -  See MASSIVE Ceiba or Kapok Trees     -  Boat trips to view the constellations and Milky-way galaxy -trekking You can set your own program selecting activities from our list which fit your desires. We are very open-minded to anything that might suggest and we would like to cover your general interests. Our service is customized ; your group will be assigned a personal guide to escort you throughout your stay at the Otorongo lodge. Choose Otorongo if you like the truth!  

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