
Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda


Party at Shirley Heights Lookout(an old British fort and signal station near Falmouth) on Sunday evenings to Antiguan music and see the spectacular sunset over English Harbour. Arrive at 4 p.m. to catch the sunset, and by 7 p.m. you'll be eating barbecue and dancing to music by local bands. Entry is US$6, which no longer includes a free drink. Even if you can't attend the barbeque, Shirley Heights Lookout boasts one of Antigua's best views. If you are traveling from the north of the island it is likely to be a costly and disappointing trip, expect to pay around $100US for the round trip. Burgers are expensive for what they are at $10US and there is very little to see or do once the sun goes down. Essentially this is a tourist trap and you are unlikely to see any locals unless they are involved in running the enterprise or driving a taxi.

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