Szekszárd Wineregion

7100,Szekszárd, Rabovszky u. 12/a Phone: 06/20-975-3814


The progress in the wine region has been outstanding in recent years. The number of cellars producing excellent competitive wines even on international standards has significantly increased. The majority of the winemakers with longer reputations have made significant investments creating the technological background, ageing and storing capacity for an even higher standard operation. Although it does not influence the quality of the wine, it is important from the point of view not only of tourism, but also the townscape that in many places architecturally high standard wine houses and processing plants were built. Naturally, the vineyards are being continuously reconstructed and developed.The settlements belonging to the wine region are: Alsónána, Báta, Bátaszék, Decs, Harc, Medina, Mórágy, Őcsény, Sióagárd, Szálka, Szekszárd, Szentgál-Szőlőhegy, Várdomb, Zomba. The registered red area is more than 2100 hectars, and less than 450 hectars of white area is recorded.

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