Town Wall

Piran, Slovenia


The oldest town centre was surrounded by walled fortifications probably already in the 7th Century. The town was divided into districts designated after the town gates: Miljska (Milje), Stolna (Cathedral), Osrednja (Central) in Poljska (Field). As the town expanded, so did the walls towards the southeast, and included the new districts, namely those which were growing outside the walls. A part of the walls, which surrounded the oldest part of the town near the cape (the first town walls), had not changed over the centuries; it only needed to be thoroughly renovated on several occasions. In the final phase of the expansion, at the beginning of the 16th Century, the so-called third town walls embraced the entire peninsula. In the meantime, the so-called second town walls were built and also included the Marčano district. The preserved remains of these walls are the first Rašpor gate. The largest part of the preserved walls dates from the beginning of the 15th Century and the end of the 16th Century and had become an integral part of the medieval town structure. The largest preserved section of the walls on the Mogoron hill has exceptional historical value and marks the limit of the medieval town centre. The town walls were eventually completed between the years 1470 and 1534 and had eight crenellated towers with battlements. The external side of the walls indicates a typical defensive setting with a slight angle. It is also remarkable due to its exceptional height. A few years ago, some parts of the towers and the connecting walkways were renovated, so that the walls are today accessible and can be visited. The Piran town walls were built gradually, the largest one in the time when the way of waging battles was changing dramatically, due to the use of gunpowder, which required new ways of defence. According to its shape, it is obvious that the town wallswere being adapted to the medieval type of defence. Seven town gates, former entrances to the town walls, are still preserved. First Rašpor Gate in Gothic style was built as a part of the town walls. It can be reached from Rozmanova ulica. Second Rašpor Gate (still in Rozmanova ulica) was built in the year 1470. It encloses a compact part of the third walls with seven towers, and has a typically pointed arch with still visible stone hinges. Marčana Town Gate was built in the year 1534. It leads to the street Ulica svobode. It was built in the renaissance style and forms a part of the third town walls. Mi

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