White Deer Hunters Inn

Klapka út 8. Phone: fax: +36(36)516-129 Cuisines: Italian, Authentic Local, English, French


White Deer Hunters Inn (Fehér Szarvas Vadásztanya), Klapka út 8. (downstairs next to Hotel Park), ☎ +36(36)411-129 (szarvas@feherszarvasetterem.hu, fax: +36(36)516-129), [12]. 12pm-12am. Offers excellent game dishes. Not the cheapest in town, but the meals are excellent and the atmosphere is unique--although locals are rare here, compared to tourists. Interior is full of mounted animals--which not everyone may like. Menu in English, Finnish, French, Italian, Polish, Russian (translations may vary in minor aspects). Saddle of venison (3.150ft, cooked with truffles) is very tender, absolutely recommended. The hunter's favourite (2.680ft) is amazing in matching four sauces to four kinds of meat. Goose Ragout Soup (680ft) is quite interesting, and served in a bread. Mains 1500-3500ft.  

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