Best places to enjoy local and street shopping in Lijiang

Here's a list of Best places to enjoy local and street shopping in Lijiang recommended by our experts:

Square Street

Shopping Place in Lijiang
WeekendsMust See

Sifang Street is located in the Central Square of Lijiang Ancient Town, covering an area of about 6 acres. The shape of the Square is much like a big square ...

Bu Nong Ling

Bu Nong Ling

Shopping Place in Lijiang

The best place to buy the exotic Bunong Bell. Belles sold here are completed designed and made by the shopkeeper. The design of Bunong Bells is inspired by ...

Xin Da Road

Xin Da Road

Shopping Place in Lijiang

This majoy shopping place on this road side, there are books, clothing and shoe shop you can find.

Jin Jir Food Market

Jin Jir Food Market

Shopping Place in Lijiang

This major market where locals purchase fruit, vegetables, flowers and other day to day items is a great place to uncover culinary delights the likes of which ...