Allidina Visram High School

Mombasa, Kenya


i went to school there,its still a school but with a history behind it. in brief a boy called Allidina visram left his hometown in india and travelled aboard a ship headed to the african coast to find a better his old age he was a great man,and decided to build a school for the education of indians in mombasa,the school named after him.his life story and how the school was built is an interesting history which many should get to know about if they visit mombasa.

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I had been to Allidiina from 1959 to 1960. I have fond memories of my time as student there. The ethnic languages taught there in those times and sports was promininet with some excellant teahers like Josheph, Talwar, DCosra, Soares, Pareira and others . There was daily set speech by student in the assembly. The badges were introuduced and students were encouraged to speak in English while at school. i visited the school again after decades and seemed the old charm is gone. i wish the school introuduced some programme to assimilate its old users.