Annexe des Createurs

19 rue Godot de Mauroy, 9e


Few stores in Paris receive as much publicity as this high-end, ultraglamorous discount outlet, where the collections of top-drawer designers are discounted by 30% to 70%. Charming owner and founder Edwige Meister inventories the only slightly worn but out-of-date women's wear of Stella McCartney, Versace, Moschino, Gaultier, Vivienne Westwood, and others. The staff insists that garments are in "perfect or near-perfect condition" and usually derive from terribly wealthy, obsessively stylish women who refuse to wear any garment more than once. It "isn't inconceivable," according to Mlle Meister, for a client to sell (on consignment) a garment in one of these two boutiques and then immediately pass through the interconnecting door to buy a secondhand but mint-condition garment in the boutique's counterpart a few steps away. Open Tuesday to Saturday 11am to 7pm.

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