Bangsbro Museum

Dronning Margrethsvej 6


One of the premier open-air museums of Jutland, this place is in a wooded area beside the Deer Park, 3km (1 3/4 miles) south of the town center, and contains a cluster of 18th-century buildings near the remnants of a moated 14th-century manor house. Of special interest is an old barn built in 1580, one of the oldest in Denmark, which houses antique farm equipment and implements. The main house has such curiosities as a collection of handicrafts made from human hair, a display of relics from World War II, and a nautical section including ship models, figureheads, and other mementos. An early ship, Ellingå, similar to the vessels used by the Vikings, is in one of the buildings. It's the reconstructed remains of a Viking-style merchant ship excavated 5km (3 miles) north of Frederikshavn. Linked to the museum is the Bangsbo Botanical Gardens, with an herb garden and a deer park, plus a playground for the kids.

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