Bavarian Military Museum

Paradeplatz 4 & Klenzepark


Bavarian Military Museum (Bayerisches Armeemuseum), Paradeplatz 4 & Klenzepark (In the ''Neues Schloss'' & Reduit Tilly), [8]. Tue-Sun 8:45-17:00. The museum is separated into two locations. The Neues Schloss, a former duke's residence and part of the city wall, hosts a collection of military artifacts from different eras as well as a bunch of replicas. The Reduit Tilly, a part of the former state fortress in Klenzepark hosts a WWI exhibition. The latter is very instresting and well structured museum, with exhibits and documents from the era and some short films which summarize the regarded history. Ticket 2€ to 4.50€.  

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