Blenheim Palace



Bleinheim Palace is a short bus ride (Stagecoach S3 from Gloucester Green bus station) from Oxford - or you can drive there in 20 minutes. The main attraction is the palace (it is the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill) with guided tours as part of the entrance ticket. The grounds and gardens too are truly impressive and there is enough to do and see to keep you occupied for the whole day. If you have an Ordnance Survey map (1:25 000 Explorer 180) then there are some rights of way that mean you can get free entry to the grounds though it is expected that you stay on the right of way and you won't get into the gardens. The name Blenheim comes from the battle that took place on the 13th August 1704 here. As a reward for his services a grateful Queen Anne granted to Marlborough the Royal Manor of Woodstock and signified that she would build him, at her own expense, a house to be called Blenheim. Work commenced in 1705 and the tall monument in the grounds designed by Capability Brown celebrates the event.

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