Café Utyos

15 Shevchenko St Phone: ☎ +7 (4212) 399 774 Cuisines: Japanese


Café Utyos (кафе «Утёс»), 15 Shevchenko St, ☎ +7 (4212) 399 774. The name means The Cliff in Russian, very appropriate as the restaurant is located in an unusual art nouveau building from the forties on top of the tall cliff dominating the waterfront, which used to be a lifeboat station. It has a large balcony with spectacular views of the Amur, beneath which the restaurant spreads out over two floors serving Japanese and western fare. A bit on the expensive side and the food leaves something to be desired, though dining with a grand view is the draw here. Mains 800-1500 rubles.  

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