
Top Shopping Places

Shakhmansur Bazaar

Shakhmansur Bazaar

Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Phone: Not available

Shakhmansur Bazaar is the biggest bazaar in downtown Dushanbe and has a huge variety of foods (very cheap by Western standards), including dried fruit, nuts, ... more

Korvon Bazaar

Korvon Bazaar

Korvon Bazaar. While somewhat cheaper than Shakhmansur, Korvon is also farther away and is very large (Marshruktas with "Корвон" signs on their dashboards will ... more

Top Activity Places

Bactria Cultural Centre

Bactria Cultural Centre

734000, Dushanbe M. Tursunzoda-12 str,
Phone: +992 37 227-05-54

Bactria Cultural Centre is an educational and cultural center founded by the international NGO ACTED in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in 2001. Bactria aims to aid the ... more

Mayakovsky Theatre

Mayakovsky Theatre

M41, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

November 7th, 1937 with play "Earth" by N. Virta was launched first in Tajikistan the Russian Drama Theatre, which in 1940 was named to V.V. Mayakovsky. From ... more