

If you haven’t been to Lake Placid, you’re really missing something. It’s one of the sweetest towns in Central Florida with a lot of things going for it, ie: wonderful murals all around the town and, on July 26th-28th, the annual Caladium Festival.What’s wonderful about these shade-loving landscape plants is that they’re brilliantly colorful (more than 40 shades and color combinations) and super easy to maintain (they don’t need any insecticide or fertilization). I think they feel good, too.Families in Lake Placid have been growing caladiums here since the 1940s and now their growing range covers more than 1,200 acres. Come to the festival and you’ll find bulbs and plants for sale, arts and crafts, entertainment, a festival art competition, and a classic car show. What I hope to do is join one of the bus tours that will visit the caladium fields that, they say, are comparable to the tulip fields in Holland.For more information about Lake Placid and the Caladium Festival, click on the link or call the Chamber at (863) 465-4331.
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