Leitrim Genealogy Centre

Ballinamore, Leitrim, Republic of Ireland Phone: T: +353(0)719644012 http://www.leitrimroots.com/


Leitrim Genealogy Centre is the official genealogy service for County Leitrim. The centre, part of the Irish Family History Foundation's network throughout Ireland, was set up to deal with enquiries from people eager to trace their Leitrim ancestors. The difficulty faced by many people who travelled from many lands to trace their family roots was that source material was scattered throughout the county and elsewhere. All the available sources have now been gathered in one place and Leitrim Genealogy Centre and Leitrim County Library have combined to provide a full-time professional genealogy service for County Leitrim. Genealogical research is a time consuming process. From original assessment to comprehensive Family History Report normally takes about twelve weeks. Seasonal demand may increase this waiting period slightly so it is recommended to initiate the research in good time, particularly if it is for a special occasion.

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