Lipton's Seat - Dambetenna, Poonagala hills

Bandarawela, kandy, sri lanka Phone: Not Available


This was a favorite look-out point for Sir Thomas Lipton (the great tea planter) when surveying the surrounding region of his tea plantations at Dambatenna near Haputale. To get to the viewpoint, one can take two routes (as far as I know) and the road is all the way mortorable up to the end point (4x4 is better but not mandatory). One is from Haputhale town, and the other is from Bandarawell town. Road is quite easy to find with boards marking Lipton Seat, and probably wise to check the road conditions (the last 1km, through a private tea estate), from a 3-wheeler driver, in either of the towns. full road length is paved and good, except the last 1km, which is gravel and possibly heavy mud during rain, which also charges Rs. 100 to enter, if you want your vehicle to pass. The main road connects Haputhale town and Bandarawella town, with a scenic road amid lush green tea plantations. some parts of the road still in its original glory, with many remains of original stone construct. Call up for a tour plan on +94 71 656 222 7 or

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