MalaMala Game Reserve


MalaMala Game Reserve is regarded as one of the finest private game reserves in Africa rivalling luxurious destinations in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Okavango Swamps in Botswana. Wildlife sightings on a safari tour of this iconic reserve are incredible and the scenery is spectacular as it falls within the Greater Kruger National Park which shares a 50-kilometre unfenced boundary with the Kruger National Park.

MalaMala Game Reserve lies nestled between the Kruger Park and Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve and is part of a conservation gene pool that combines one of the largest national parks in Africa with 18 unfenced private game reserves which form the Greater Kruger National Park. The entire wilderness region spans some 2.5 million hectares of pristine bushveld.

The Greater Kruger National Park is located on the western boundary of Kruger Park and is 65 000 hectares of unspoiled bushveld which is home to the Big 5 and rich in diverse fauna and flora. The region is part of the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere which was designated by the UNESCO as an International Man and Biosphere Reserve.

Wildlife sightings in MalaMala exceed expectations as the reserve teems with game and their professional safari guides and expert trackers are some of the best in Africa. Birdlife is prolific and the plants and trees are diverse and interesting.

The name MalaMala means 'Kudu' in Tsonga which is only one species of an abundant selection of antelope in the private reserve. In particular, MalaMala is renowned for sightings of leopard making it a sought-after destination for a photographic safari.

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