
Min Kun, Myanmar (Burma)


Mingun. The boat to the village of Mingun departs at 9am and returns at 1pm (5000 kyat round trip). It takes about one hour there and 45 minutes back, giving you three hours to explore. You can climb the Mingun Paya for views of the village and across the river - its best to do this before it gets too hot. You are technically supposed to purchase the $3 Mingun/Amarapura ticket (going to the government) but tickets are only checked (sometimes) on the stairs to the top - make it look like you have bought a ticket by loitering in front of the ticket office to the right of the stairs. Or just start climbing and see if they check you (though if you come straight to the stairs from the boat they probably will). Other sites include the world's largest uncracked bell and Hsinbyume Paya, the white pagoda you can see from the top of Mingun Paya.  

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