Niger Travel Guide

Niger is a developing, landlocked African nation whose northern expanse includes the Sahara Desert. Tourist facilities are minimal, particularly outside the capital city, Niamey, and the ancient caravan city of Agadez.

Visitors should be aware of the ongoing terrorist threat in Niger and the presence of landmines in the region of Agadez. Conditions of insecurity persist in the northern and western portions of Niger, particularly along the porous border between Niger and Mali, as well as eastern parts of Niger along the border of Nigeria around Diffa.

French is the official language; English is not widely used. Niger is a developing country, and is consistently one of the lowest-ranked in the United Nations' Human Development Index (HDI); it was ranked 186th of 186 countries for 2012. Much of the non-desert portions of the country are threatened by periodic drought and desertification. The economy is concentrated around subsistence and some export agriculture clustered in the more fertile south, and the export of raw materials, especially uranium ore. Niger remains handicapped by its landlocked position, desert terrain, poor education and poverty of its people, lack of infrastructure, poor health care, and environmental degradation.

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