
Via Bergamo, 56, 00198 Roma, 00198 Phone: +39068411769 Cuisines: Mediterranean Features: Dinner, Lunch, Buffet http://opsveg.com


Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant. Everyone consumes according to his appetite, prevents wastage of food and money. Ooops!  is open every day from 9.30 to 23.  We are closed only on Monday evening.  By Ooops!  we serve buffet, you go to the cashier and you weigh the food.  Drinks, cakes and coffee are served at the table.  From Ooops! Pays!  You pay by weight, you decide the price of the dish. its cuisine are more related: vegetarian, vegan, organic ... and much more. Primi piatti di pasta con condimenti scelti, una zuppa del giorno sempre diversa (zucca, legumi, cereali, ecc...) arrosti e carni vegetali, insalate freschissime, semi (lino, girasole,zucca), erbe aromatiche (menta, timo, basilico, cumino, zenzero, ecc.), salse per condimento di insalate crude o cotte, combinate con noci, mandorle, melograno, arance,uva sultanina, germogli di soya, humus. E ancora i formaggi con caglio di fiori di cardo, le crocchette fritte di verdure miste, i falafel con farina di ceci. I dolci Piccoli semifreddi all'amaretto, crumbleapple e torte vegane. 
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  for vegan lovers this is a best place to eat and all food is  delicious

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