Parque Metropolitano



This beautiful green area, including the hills of San Cristóbal, Chacarillas, Gemelos and Pirámide, occupies 728 hectares and is one of the largest parks in the country. Its forestation began in 1921 and, in 1926, the mayor Alberto Mackenna transformed it into a public area. The summit is 860 meters above sea level, crowned by an image of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, 14 meters tall and sitting on a pedestal 23 meters high. This is a favourite spot for a Sunday outing, whether on foot, bicycle, car or funicular. There is a zoo, two swimming pools, picnic areas, restaurants, children's play area, a chapel and botanical gardens. It is recommended to go all the way up to the summit for a full view of Santiago, particularly in summer. During a clear day it's possible to see the snowy Andean peaks in all their splendour.

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