Planetario Jose Baptista Pereira
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Phone: +55 51 3308-5384
A spaceship resting on the ground, surrounded by gardens, fountain, sundial and compass.That is the image that one has to visit the Planetarium prof. Jose Baptista Pereira, located at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) campus.Was one of the first fixed to be installed in Brazil in 1972, when there were still a few copies worldwide planetary. That same year, a little before his inauguration, he received the distinguished visiting American astronauts James Lovell, the Apollo 13 crew, and Donald Slayton, director of flight crew of NASA.The planetarium has a projection room for 120 people, exhibit hall and 60-seat room for lectures and courses. Plays an important role in the dissemination and popularization of astronomy and related sciences to the local public school and wider community through planetarium, workshops, lectures, courses, exhibitions and observing the sky with telescopes programs.