Tennant Creek Cemetery

Stuart Highway, , 0860 Phone: 61 08 8962 0000 Timings: Daily, 24 hours. www.barkly.nt.gov.au/council-services/cemetery/


Take the time to wander through the Tennant Creek Cemetery to see the resting place of early pioneers who travelled the long and lonely Overland Telegraph track. Their plaques and headstones reveal the stories of their hardships and battles with the harsh Australian environment. Plaques on the headstones and ornamental gate tell the story of battles with the elements and the tragedy of days gone past. The Tennant Creek Cemetery is located south of town. It is suggested you allow at least an hour to view this attraction. A distinctive arch spans the gateway, spelling out the cemetery name. If you are interested in pioneering histories and local stories, make this fascinating stop in the town of Tennant Creek.

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