Terraza Isidora

Isidora Goyonochea 3199


If you're craving the beach (or at least some beach nightlife) while stuck in Santiago's concrete jungle, look no further than the nautically-themed beach bar in the middle of Santiago's tony restaurant row on Isidora Goyonochea. Terraza Isidora is a roofed terrace between two buildings which are painted with a nautical theme, with giant sea creatures staring out at you. A relaxed, candle-lit seating area is between, and the floor is boardwalked, with a few steps up and down on the deck to bring you to the bathroom. The bar is around the corner, beside an old railway car, the outside of which has been restored. The bar completes the beachy feel, as it's located on a patch of sand, and built of bamboo. It would not seem out of place for someone to walk by in a sarong, though mainly a somewhat relaxed after-work crowd hangs out there. They might loosen their ties, but there will be no sarongs. Offers include the usual, with mojitos, the fruit and wine combo of cherimoya with white wine, beers and the like. There's some mingling at the bar, if you're standing around, otherwise people mainly keep to their own, well-spaced tables. Ceviche is (not surprisingly) one of the main offers here, with traditional, mixed and Polynesian varieties on offer. Sea urchins and many fish platters and a smattering of creamy desserts round out the menu.

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