Threefox Restaurant
This upstairs restaurant is beautifully decorated with colourful Buddhist curtains and paintings on the wall. There's a range of Tibetan, Indian and Western ...
Here's a list of Popular places to have Indian food in Lumbini recommended by our experts:
This upstairs restaurant is beautifully decorated with colourful Buddhist curtains and paintings on the wall. There's a range of Tibetan, Indian and Western ...
Popular with locals, this lime-green restaurant has tasty chicken chow mein, curries and cold beer.
The staff is always friendly and the place has a good overall atmosphere.
Maitri Restaurant just is below of 'Hotel Ananda Inn,Lumbini,Nepal' in front of Sacred Garden.The Birth Place Of The Lord Buddha.Multi cuisine Restaurant ...
The best option to eat in this small and enchanted small town. It has a peacefull location and terrace. The vegetarian options are great! Nice place to meet ...
The place is decent with very basic decor: cemented floor, seven or eight big tables set up around the room, and a small terrace for those lovely early summer ...
This sparkling new hotel represents a business expansion for successful local restaurateurs. At the time we visited it was devoid of any decoration but the ...