228 Memorial Peace Park

3 Kaitakelan Boulevard


On February 27, 1947, protesters gathered in front of a local Taiwanese police department to demonstrate against the corruption of the government at the time. After the military opened fire on the protesters, a second demonstration was planned for the following day at the then-named Taipei Park. At least 10,000 and as many as 30,000 demonstrators were massacred by military forces that day. In 1996, Taipei park was renamed 288 Peace Memorial Park, and a memorial was erected in the central pavilion. Today, the solemn park houses several paths, pavilions, playgrounds and a performance stage. If you're looking for a quiet place to get some sunshine and enjoy a picnic lunch, this is a good choice. As of February 2011, 228 Memorial Peace Park is temporarily closed for renovations. Featured Image: 棟樑‧Harry‧黃基峰‧Taiwan/Flickr

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