Rosenborg Slot

Øster Voldgade 4A


When King Christian IV ordered Rosenborg Palace to be built in 1606, he imagined it as his summer house outside of the city. As with many of Christian IV's plans, he could never quite finish his dream castle, and additions continued right through his reign and long afterwards, the last being in 1758. Apart from in times of emergency (when the British laid siege to Copenhagen in 1801, for example), Rosenborg has not been used as a royal residence since 1710, and now functions as a museum, its most treasured artifact being the nation's crown jewels. Every day at noon, guards march from the barracks outside Rosenborg through the city to the other royal palace, Amalienborg. Though the city has grown around Rosenborg, the surrounding King's Gardens (Kongens Have) serve as one of Copenhagen's most popular parks, full throughout spring and summer with picnic-goers and sunbathers.

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